Join us in celebrating Shabbat Shirah (the Shabbat of Singing) with Anat Halevy Hochberg. Anat is a Boston-based musician, writer, educator, and ritualist with family roots in Israel, Yemen, Hungary, and Poland. As a Jewish woman of color, a first-generation American whose grandparents survived genocide and displacement, and a person deeply connected to Israel/Palestine, Anat is continually developing her sense of the heartbreak, complexity, responsibility, and courage that it takes to foster healing in a broken world full of beauty. As a music educator, a leader of song and prayer in Jewish communities, and as a performer, Anat lets everyone in on a secret: we are all ready to sing a new song.
Friday, January 26th, we will begin with Shabbat evening services followed by a community potluck and singing circle led by Anat. On Saturday, January 27th, Anat will join the Jews of Color Space for brunch and singing and then facilitate an afternoon song-leading workshop open to everyone. The shabbaton will conclude with a participatory concert on Saturday evening, at which Anat will be joined by fellow musicians Eleanore Weill on flute and Micah Hendler on percussion.

Shabbat Shirah marks a celebratory moment in the Torah, when the mixed multitude crosses the Red Sea out of Egypt and the women pick up their timbrels and sing. So, we also hope to gather in the community to connect, learn, be inspired, and sing a new song.

About Anat
Anat Halevy Hochberg (she/her) is a musician, teacher, and ritual leader based in Boston. Her passions include leading song, empowering others to raise their voices, and working to reclaim the Yemenite melodies of her heritage. She has taught and led ritual at Eden Village Camp, Let My People Sing!, Hadar’s Rising Song Intensive, and Linke Fligl. She co-produced Tishrei: the end is the beginning and Elul: Songs for Turning, and her debut album How can I keep (from) singing? was released in 2020. Learn more about her work at anathalevyhochberg.com
Anat will be joined in concert by:

Micah Hendler, DC-based musician on percussion. He is the Founder and Artistic Director of the Jerusalem Youth Chorus, an Israeli-Palestinian music and dialogue project and the co-founder of Raise Your Voice Labs, a creative culture change company.

Eleonore Weill, Brooklyn-based French vocalist/ multi-instrumentalist on flute and vocals. She performs with Tsibele, and internationally with Frank London, the Baroque Music Center of Versailles (C.M.B.V.), Joey Weisenberg and the Hadar ensemble, Midwood, and many others.
Schedule of Events
Friday, January 26:
Shabbat Evening Services – 6:30pm
Songful services led by Anat Halevy Hochberg and NSP rabbinic intern Miriam Ginsberg, followed by community potluck and singing circle led by Anat.
Register here to attend in person!
Register here to attend online!
Saturday, January 27:
Jews of Color Brunch – 11:00am-1:00pm
Join Anat and the NSP Jews of Color Space for informal conversion, singing, and brunch. Anat will share about her cultural reclamation project around Yemenite singing, teach some Yemenite songs, and open the floor to songs from the community. Register here to attend.
Becoming the Song: A Songleading Workshop – 1:30-3:00pm
In this workshop, we will develop our songleading by sinking into our connection with song; learning practical song teaching techniques; and exploring the way our voices, breath, and movements can deeply express the musical character and spirit of songs when we lead. All levels of songleading experience welcome. Register here to attend.
Shabbat Shirah Participatory Concert – 7:00 doors, 7:30-9:00pm concert
Immerse yourself in Jewish music and song led by Anat Halevy Hochberg and accompanied by Eleonore Weill on violin and Micah Hendler on percussion. Purchase tickets here (suggested sliding scale $18-$54).