Shabbat Morning Services

Join NSP for Saturday Morning services and celebrate Shabbat with song and prayer.Register here!

Tot Shabbat

Sing, dance, and make kiddush (blessing over grape juice) with NSP! Geared toward ages 1-5 and fun for all. Invite your family and friends to come too! Register here!

Mutinous Midrash Workshop

Simpson-Hamline United Methodist Church 4501 16th St NW, Washington

Part text study/part creative writing; Midrashim are commentaries and interpretationson the Bible to try and make sense of text. Use your creativity to make midrashim that honor our texts while … Continue reading Mutinous Midrash Workshop

Kids Purim Party
Sunday, March 16, 10:30am-12:30pm
Rock Creek Park, Picnic Grove 6

Register here!