NSP Queerspace Spring Gathering!

7:30pm - Vegetarian Potluck8:30pm - Havdalah & Music Jam! Bring your favorite songs or instruments!Malcolm X Park (On grass area closest to Joan of Arc statue)RSVP: To Eryca -ekasse@hotmail.com

Tell Your Children: Black Slavery, Spirituals, and Storytelling at the Passover Seder

On ZoomNSP’s JOC Space is hosting a race-centered panel in preparation for Passover and to mark D.C. Emancipation Day. The conversation will feature Black perspectives of Passover themes that often serve as points of coalition and connection for Jewish and Black communities– the Exodus, yearning for freedom, and gathering in community. We hope to foster … Continue reading Tell Your Children: Black Slavery, Spirituals, and Storytelling at the Passover Seder

NSP Justice Team Meeting

Monthly team meeting to further justice work in the NSP community. Email justice@newsynagogueproject.org to RSVP.

NSP Justice Team Meeting

Monthly team meeting to further justice work in the NSP community. Email justice@newsynagogueproject.org to RSVP.

NSP Justice Team Meeting

Monthly team meeting to further justice work in the NSP community. Register here to receive the Zoom link. Email justice@newsynagogueproject.org with questions.

NSP Justice Team Meeting

Monthly team meeting to further justice work in the NSP community. Register here to receive the Zoom link. Email justice@newsynagogueproject.org with questions.

NSP Justice Team Meeting

Monthly team meeting to further justice work in the NSP community. Register here to receive the Zoom link. Email justice@newsynagogueproject.org with questions.

Rabbi Yosef’s Weekly Parsha Study

Join Rabbi Yosef and NSP members in a weekly text study class on Thursdays at Noon over Zoom. Each class will focus on a particular aspect of the weekly Torah portion. No prior text study experience is required. Join every week or when you are able. Register here to receive the zoom link. 

Special Pesach Liberatory Parshah Study

There will be parsha study this week—I'll be up, and we'll learn the special haftarah from Malachi for Shabbat Hagadol (the BIG Shabbat), which is this Shabbat!​Along the way, we'll dive into midrash: specifically, we characterize yetziat mitzrayim as the redemption of divine free grace—regardless of the ancestors' merit or lack thereof, they were still liberated. We'll discuss … Continue reading Special Pesach Liberatory Parshah Study

Tot Shabbat

Sing, dance, and make kiddush (blessing over grape juice) with NSP! Geared toward ages 1-5 and fun for all. Invite your family and friends to come too! Register here!

Havdalah & Tisch

Join NSP for a Havdalah ritual and community singing circle, as Shabbat comes to a close and the new week begins. Register here! 

Kids Purim Party
Sunday, March 16, 10:30am-12:30pm
Rock Creek Park, Picnic Grove 6

Register here!