Use the drop-downs below to read more details about this year’s High Holiday offerings. Zoom links for online events and locations for in-person events will be emailed to registrants. Details about COVID safety (including masking and testing policies) and accessibility measures can be found here

Ready to register? Click here!

High Holidays art by Maria Cramer.

Rosh Hashanah

NSP’s annual Rosh Hashanah seder for JOCs and multiracial families! As the sun sets, we will enjoy a serene and joyful start to the new year over a table of good food and the simanim (symbols) of renewal and auspiciousness.

Observe the New Year with soulful song, heartfelt prayer, learning and study, and of course, good food! Kiddush with apples and honey follow the morning service.

A fun, friendly, and accessible Rosh Hashanah service for small kids! Our guest service leader is a vibrant storyteller, an engaging teacher, and a skilled musician that will have all the kids up on their feet and singing!

Childcare will be provided on Rosh Hashanah by My Sunshine Nanny Network during the Morning Service and Children’s Service.

We will be offering school-age learning opportunities for kids on Rosh Hashanah. Our innovative and dynamic Kollel teachers will lead activities reflecting the holiday’s themes and connecting them to our values and texts.

Join NSP for a special tashlich service on the second day of Rosh Hashanah! Join together in the reflective ritual of letting go of the burdens of the previous year.

Gather in community of Jews of color and multiracial NSP families to enjoy the holiday with a festive outdoor meal (seudah)!


Yom Kippur

The morning before Yom Kippur, we will observe a renewed, queered tradition: kapparot! Kapparot is the ritual of expiation through community support: making donations (traditionally of chickens, now with money) as a public display of mutual aid. 

We will hold space together to welcome the Day of Atonement, beginning with the renunciation of vows, Kol Nidre, and continuing with spirited song and prayer.

Join NSP on Yom Kippur morning to read the Torah, sing and reflect, wrestle with the old year, and embrace the renewal of the new year.

Kids have a place in Yom Kippur, too! Everyone will have the opportunity to engage deeply in the big questions of the holiday through songs, stories, and activities that spark the imagination.

Childcare will be provided on Yom Kippur by My Sunshine Nanny Network during the Morning Service and Children’s Service.

During the afternoon of Yom Kippur, NSP’s spaces will be open for organized learning, relaxation, chant, meditation, and quiet gathering.

Our innovative and dynamic Kollel teachers will lead activities reflecting the holiday’s themes and connect them to our values and texts.

The culmination of the new year’s cycle comes with the “closing of the gates,” ne’ilah. NSP will gather for a final time to sing supplications, pass the Torah from hand to hand, and pray the special and unique fifth prayer of the Yom Kippur day.

After sundown, we will nosh on bagels and plentiful snacks and bask in the denouement of the holidays.