Now hiring!

Operations Manager

We are seeking a full-time Operations Manager based in the DC area who will drive the administrative functions of NSP and ensure NSP continues to offer high quality programs with smooth operations to support our 500+ members. Love improving systems, geeking out on spreadsheets, and planning seamless events? We hope you’ll consider applying! If you know someone who’d be a good fit, please help us spread the word.

Learn more and apply here!

Children’s Educator

NSP has a significant and growing number of families with young children. While we’ve served this constituency through our Tot Shabbat program from the beginning, we hope to build out more robust programming, as we have for families with school-aged children (i.e. our religious school, Kollel). Bereishit (“in the beginning”) is envisioned to be a hub for a set of programs, new and existing, that serve families with children not yet old enough to enroll in Kollel, from parents-to-be who are expecting their first child to those with preschoolers. Our goals are for parents to build relationships with one another, make sustaining connections to and gain support from the NSP community, and move along their family’s Jewish learning journey through kid-, adult-, and whole family-centered content. The position described here is focused on supporting a new cohort-style program on Shabbat mornings that will provide parallel programming for parents and their children.

Apply and learn more here!