NSP Justice Team Meeting

Monthly team meeting to further justice work in the NSP community. Email justice@newsynagogueproject.org to RSVP.

NSP Justice Team Meeting

Monthly team meeting to further justice work in the NSP community. Email justice@newsynagogueproject.org to RSVP.

NSP Justice Team Meeting

Monthly team meeting to further justice work in the NSP community. Register here to receive the Zoom link. Email justice@newsynagogueproject.org with questions.

NSP Justice Team Meeting

Monthly team meeting to further justice work in the NSP community. Register here to receive the Zoom link. Email justice@newsynagogueproject.org with questions.

Tot Shabbat

Sing, dance, and make kiddush (blessing over grape juice) with NSP! Geared toward ages 1-5 and fun for all. Invite your family and friends to come too! Register here!

Havdalah & Tisch

Join NSP for a Havdalah ritual and community singing circle, as Shabbat comes to a close and the new week begins. Register here! 

Kids Purim Party
Sunday, March 16, 10:30am-12:30pm
Rock Creek Park, Picnic Grove 6

Register here!