Purim 5785

Ivy City Smokehouse 1356 Okie St NE, Washington, DC, United States

Celebrate Purim with New Synagogue Project, the event that launched our community 7 (!!!) years ago! Our focus at Purim this year will be joy in resistance. It is impossible to ignore … Continue reading Purim 5785

Jewish Feminisms

On Zoom

Online on ZoomJewish feminism has a rich history of individuals and groups creating agency through traditions, texts, and practices by appropriating, resisting, and transforming them. We will study how Jewish … Continue reading Jewish Feminisms

NSP Kids Purim Party

Kids Purim PartySunday, March 16, 10:30am-12:30pmRock Creek Park, Picnic Grove 6Party time, kid style! Kids (and grown-ups!) come in costume to make crafts, play lawn games, sing, and eat hamantaschen!Register here!

Join us March 7th and 8th for a special shabbaton:
Navigate the Narrow Places with rabbi dr koach baruch frazier
Register here!


Purim is almost here!
NSP’s Megillah Reading & Radical Purim Party 5785
Thursday, March 13th
​​Megillah Reading: 7:00pm
Party & Entertainment: 8:00pm - midnight
Tickets here!