We are a leader-full community, blessed with many volunteer leaders who bring diverse skills, gifts, wisdom, and experience to make our community thrive! NSP’s leadership structure includes three categories of leadership:

  1. Strategy Team (serves as the executive committee of the board)
  2. Team of Instigators (the full board)
  3. Co-Conspirators (important non-board roles who serve on teams or work directly with the strategy team on discrete projects, including co-leads of teams)

The Team of Instigators and Strategy Team have a formal leadership transition process each spring. New leaders are installed at the annual membership meeting in May, at which leaders and the community recite our leadership covenant.

Open positions are posted to the membership listserv with an application form to express interest in serving in leadership. Those who complete the form will have a 1:1 conversation with a current leader. If there is interest in a role from more than one person, the possibility of co-leadership will be discussed with those who express interest. The full slate of leaders are announced to the membership by email prior to our annual membership meeting.

See who our current Instigators are here!

Strategy Team

Function: Executive Committee of the Board


  • Lead Instigator [President]
  • Finance [Treasurer]
  • Instigators At-Large (2x)
  • JOC Coordinator
  • Rabbi
  • Synagogue Director

Team of Instigators

Function: Board of Directors

Roles (in addition to Strategy Team):

  • Access
  • Arts & Culture
  • Chesed/Community Care
  • Communications
  • Fundraising
  • Holidays
  • Jews of Color Space
  • Justice
  • Kids’ Team
  • Learning
  • Membership
  • Operations
  • Queer Space
  • Shabbat
  • Spirituality & Ritual


Function: Non-board roles; serve on teams/work directly with Instigators on discrete projects

Roles (not an exhaustive list!):

  • Tech Lead
  • Communications Team
    • Social Media
    • Website
    • Newsletter
  • Kids’ Team
    • Liaison to Membership
  • Shabbat
    • Quarterly Shabbat coordinators
  • Holiday Celebration Planning
    • Chanukah
    • Purim
    • Passover
    • Sukkot
    • Simchat Torah
  • High Holidays
    • Co-Chairs